
FSR Volume 7 Number 1目次摘要

Forensic Sciences Research 

Volume 7 Number 1


Development of forensic standards in China: a review


Xiaodan He and Chengtao Li


Forensic science is crucial for the administration of justice and case investigation. In China, political-legal organizations, including the courts, public security, procuratorate, and judicial administration, developed their own forensic practices before 2004. As a result, the frequent and repeated appraisals undermined judicial authority and credibility. Thus, a law was published in 2005 to improve the uniform forensic management system by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, leading to the establishment of the Forensic Administration of the Ministry of Justice in 2006. During this process, the increased accreditation and interflow highlighted the role of consensus in forensic standards for forensic service providers to avoid uncertainty regarding the methods used and interpretation of results. In 2017, a policy document was promulgated again to strengthen the importance of the uniform standards, which also proposed to establish a new national technical committee for the standardization of forensic science by the General Office of the State Council. In 2018, despite the continuing problems concerning uniformity, the Forensic Administration of the Ministry of Justice was merged into the Public Legal Services Administration. Yet, there is still a long way to go for the national technical committee for the standardization of forensic science. This paper analyses the evolution of forensic standards internationally and nationally, discusses the existing problems, and proposes relative solutions. Moreover, it discusses the future of standards development with the deepening of the reformation of both the national standardization and judicial system.



Contributions of anatomy to forensic sex estimation: focus on head and neck bones

头颈部骨骼解剖学对法医性别推断的贡献Thamires Mello-Gentil and Vanessa Souza-Mello


This study sought to provide an up-to-date review of the importance of anatomy to human identification, focusing on the usefulness of anatomical knowledge about the head and neck bones and teeth to sex estimation in routine forensic anthropology methods. A detailed search of osteology applications in forensic sex estimation was conducted through the electronic databases for the 10 years prior to July 2020. Relevant articles and classic literature on the subject were gathered and are outlined in this review. Among the available literature, several metric analyses showed accuracy superior to 80% in sexual diagnosis. Angles measured from the inclination of glabellae and analysis of the external frontal bone surface through three-dimensional computer-aided design emerge as reliable cranial indexes for sex estimation. In the mandible, the condylar and coronoid height, bigonial width, and coronion–gonion distance express significant sexual dimorphism. Measurements of the canine are the best option for sex estimation using teeth, as well as the thickness of the dentine or enamel of incisors. The axis vertebra surpasses other neck bones for sex estimation due to its atypical shape and the presence of the odontoid process. Metric analyses based on anatomy can provide reliable accuracy in sexual diagnosis. Adequate training and anatomical knowledge can reduce bias and interobserver differences, and the use of three-dimensional models and computed tomography images can enhance the accuracy of these methods for sex estimation. However, every method should be validated before being applied to a different population.

Key points

·Anatomy-based metric analyses can provide reliable accuracy in forensic sex estimation.

·Glabellae inclination, external frontal bone surface, mandible, and canine teeth measurements can reach accuracies superior to 80% in sexual diagnosis.

·The use of three-dimensional models and computed tomography images can enhance accuracy in sex estimation.

·Every method should be validated before being applied to a different population.








Lip print enhancement: review 


Maxwell Abedi, Constance Afoakwah and Dan Nana Osei Mensah Bonsu


Lip print (LP) evidence can be an essential tool for human forensics. LPs have conventionally been developed using substances such as lysochrome dyes, fluorescent dyes, indigo dye, aluminium powder, and silver metallic powder. However, techniques for LP enhancement from various substrates are currently inconsistent and lack standardisation in practice. This review summarises current knowledge on the physical and chemical techniques of LP enhancement, identifies limitations, and provides suggestions for future research on practical applications of cheiloscopy as a forensic tool in criminal justice.

Key points

·The grooves and wrinkles of the human lip establish unique patterns that persist throughout life.

·Cheiloscopic patterns exhibit discriminatory individual characteristics that may constitute circumstantial forensic evidence.

·Enhancement techniques for latent lip prints on porous and nonporous substrates can be classified as physical or chemical.

·Unlike fingerprint, there is a current lack of consistency and/or standardisation on latent lip print enhancement methods in frontline forensic practice.


唇印(lip print,LP)证据可作为个体取证的重要手段。通常使用溶菌染料、荧光染料、靛蓝染料、铝粉和银金属粉末等物质采集LP。然而,目前基于各种材料的LP增强技术在实践中缺乏标准化。本综述总结了目前关于LP增强处理的物理和化学技术及各自的局限性,并为未来将唇印鉴定技术作为司法工具的实际应用提供建议。






Original Articles

What can glove impression evidence reveal about assailants? A pilot study


Melad G. Paulis


Impressions and marks are expected components of any crime scene. There is nothing more disappointing for fingerprint experts than finding glove marks at a crime scene. The forensic expert’s primary task in such cases is to compare the characteristic features of glove impressions with the characteristics of a suspect. The aim of the present study was to determine whether additional information could be obtained from glove prints. Specifically, whether they could be used to help to predict the sex and stature of a suspect was investigated, as was the potential for ascertaining additional information in cases where such prints were recovered from diverse objects with different diameters. Male and female participants wore latex gloves, and after ink was applied to the gloves they grasped objects of different diameters (2, 4, 6 and 8 cm). Impressions of gloved flat hands were also obtained. Phalangeal and finger lengths were measured digitally via software. Sex and stature were successfully estimated based on impressions derived from gloved flat hands and from prints on various grasped objects. A regression equation was developed for stature prediction, and a discriminant equation was developed for sex prediction.


印迹和痕迹几乎是任何犯罪现场都应存在的部分。对指纹专家来说,没有什么比在犯罪现场发现手套痕迹更令人失望的了。在这种情况下,法医学专家的主要任务是将手套痕迹的特征与犯罪嫌疑人的特征进行比较。本研究旨在尝试从手套痕迹中获得额外的信息,即研究类似痕迹能否用来推测嫌疑人的性别和身高,以及在从不同直径的物体上提取指纹的基础上确定额外信息的可能性。本实验让男女参与者佩戴乳胶手套,在手套上涂上墨水后抓握不同直径的物体(2、4、6、8 cm),然后提取手套上的掌纹印。使用软件测量指骨和手指的长度,并根据手套上的掌纹印和各种抓握物上的痕迹,推测出参与者的性别和身高。本研究建立了推断身高的回归方程和预测性别的判别方程。

Objective evaluation of similarity scores derived by Evofinder® system for marks on bullets fired from Chinese Norinco QSZ-92 pistols


Feng Dong, Yabin Zhao, Yaping Luo, Weifang Zhang and Yuesong Li


In recent years, many studies have been conducted in the field of firearm identification with the objective of providing an objective method of evaluating the comparison of cartridge cases. However, less attention has been paid to the objective evaluation of bullet comparisons. In this study, 1 000 registered Chinese Norinco QSZ-92 pistols were used, and a database of 2 996 bullets was constructed. Both the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the score-based likelihood ratio method were used to objectively evaluate the similarity scores derived by the Evofinder® system. The results indicate that this system has excellent ability to discriminate between the selected pistols. This paper proposes an objective evaluation method, which serves as a response to the ongoing debates regarding the foundation of the discipline.


近年来,在枪支鉴定领域开展了诸多研究,旨在寻找一种客观的方法对弹壳比对进行评估。然而,人们对子弹比对的客观评估关注得较少。本研究使用了1 000支由中国北方工业公司(Norinco) 生产的QSZ-92备案手枪,并建立了2 996颗子弹的数据库。采用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线和基于分数的似然比方法,对由Evofinder®系统得出的相似度评分进行客观评估。结果表明,该系统对所选手枪有很好的鉴别能力。本文提出了一种客观的评估方法,以回应目前有关该学科基础的争论。

The relationship between gunshot-residue particle size and Boltzmann distribution


İlker Kara


Gunshot-residue (GSR) particles usually form spherical structures, have special dimensions, and a composition that consists of burned and partially unburned matter with a 0.5–50-mm diameter (sometimes larger). The GSR particle-size distributions have been argued to be caused by the effects of equilibrium-surface distributions during formation and have not yet been correlated with a theoretical analysis or probability distribution. This study proposes a model to explain the GSR particle-size distribution quantitatively. Based on the data, and, as predicted by our model, the number of GSR particles decreases proportionally to the inverse square of the GSR particle size as the particle size increases. This result occurs because of the abundance of microstructures that are encountered in the GSR particles.


枪弹残留物(gunshot-residue,GSR)颗粒通常形成球形结构,具有特殊的尺寸,其成分由燃烧和部分未燃烧的物质组成,直径为0.5-50 mm(有时会更大)。GSR的粒径分布被认为是由形成过程中的平衡-表面分布的影响造成的,尚未与理论分析或概率分布相联系。本研究提出了一个定量解释GSR粒径分布的模型。根据实验数据和模型预测,结果显示随着颗粒的增大,颗粒数与粒径的平方成反比减少,这是由于GSR颗粒中存在大量的微观结构。

Intimate partner violence against women. Does violence decrease after the entry of the alleged offender into the criminal justice system?


Paulo Vieira-Pinto, José Ignacio Muñoz-Barús, Tiago Taveira-Gomes, Maria João Vidal-Alves and Teresa Magalhães


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is simultaneously assumed as a serious crime and a major public health issue, having recurrences as one of its main characteristics and, consequently, re-entries of some alleged offenders in the criminal justice system (CJS). The main goal of this study is to assess if in cases of female victims of IPV, violence decreases after the first entry of the alleged offender in the CJS. A retrospective study was performed based on the analysis of police reports of alleged cases of IPV during a 4-year period. The final sample (n=1 488) was divided into two groups according to the number of entries in the CJS (single or multiple) followed by a comparative approach. Results suggest that violence decreases after the first entry of alleged offenders in the CJS. Re-entries were found in only 15.5% of the cases but they were accountable for 3.3 times more crimes on average. Besides, victims of recidivism presented more injuries and required more medical care. Thus, a small group of alleged offenders seems to be more violent and accountable for most of the IPV crimes registered in the CJS suggesting that regardless of legal sanctions aiming to deter violence, these measures may not be enough for a certain group of offenders. This study sustains the need for a predictive model to quantify the risk of repeated IPV cases within the Portuguese population.


亲密伴侣暴力(Intimate partner violence,IPV)被认为是严重犯罪以及重大公共卫生问题,其主要特征之一是反复发生。基于上述原因,一些被控犯会重新进入刑事司法系统(criminal justice system,CJS)。本研究旨在评估在女性遭到IPV的案件中,被控犯首次进入刑事司法系统后,其暴力行为是否有所减少。本文基于对4年间警方报告的IPV指控案件的分析,开展了回顾性研究。根据被控犯进入刑事司法系统的次数(单次或多次),样本(n=1 488)被分为两组,随后采用比较法进行分析。结果显示,在被控犯首次进入刑事司法系统后,暴力事件有所减少,仅15.5%的案件中有再犯,其平均再犯数为3.3倍。此外,累犯案的受害者面临更多的伤害,需要的医疗护理也更多。因此,部分被控犯似乎更加暴力,并对刑事司法系统中记录在案的大多数IPV案件负责。研究表明,为防止暴力的法律制裁对某些犯罪群体来说无法达到预期效果。这项研究证实了需要建立预测模型来量化葡萄牙人口中重复发生IPV案件的风险。

Effects of storage time on DNA profiling success from archived latent fingerprint samples using an optimised workflow


Sydney I. Menchhoff, April D. Solomon, Jordan O. Cox, Madison E. Hytinen, Marilyn T. Miller and Tracey Dawson Cruz


Due to recent improvements in forensic DNA testing kit sensitivity, there has been an increased demand in the criminal justice community to revisit past convictions or cold cases. Some of these cases have little biological evidence other than touch DNA in the form of archived latent fingerprint lift cards. In this study, a previously developed optimised workflow for this sample type was tested on aged fingerprints to determine if improved short tandem repeat (STR) profiles could be obtained. Two-year-old samples processed with the optimised workflow produced an average of approximately five more STR alleles per profile over the traditional method. The optimised workflow also produced detectable alleles in samples aged out to 28 years. Of the methods tested, the optimised workflow resulted in the most informative profiles from evidence samples more representative of the forensic need. This workflow is recommended for use with archived latent fingerprint samples, regardless of the archival time.

Key points

·The use of the optimised workflow on aged archived latent fingerprint (ALFP) lift card samples (aged 2–28 years) improves the number of STR alleles recovered, providing more discriminatory STR profiles than those processed using the traditional workflow.

·Interpretable STR alleles can be detected from ALFP lift card samples stored as long as 28 years when the optimised procedures are followed.

·The use of individual laboratory-sterilised tools for sample preparation and the addition of a re-purification step with Centri-Sep columns in the recommended optimised workflow seem to limit the ability to detect low-level secondary DNA sources.


随着法医DNA检测试剂盒灵敏度的提高,司法界对重审以往的定罪或悬案的需求相应增加。一些案件除了以潜指纹提取卡形式归档的接触性DNA外,几乎没有其他生物证据。本研究采用既往开发的用于该样本类型的优化工作流程,对陈旧性指纹样本进行了测试,以确定是否可以获得更好的短串联重复(short tandem repeat,STR)图谱。与传统方法相较,优化的工作流程在处理的两年前的样本中,平均每份样本能够多检出约5个STR等位基因。优化后的工作流程还在已存放长达28年的样本中获得了可供分析的等位基因。本研究显示,优化的工作流程能够从证据样本中获得最具代表性的信息。建议可忽略存档时间,将该工作流程用于潜指纹归档样本的检测。


·对陈旧的潜指纹(archived latent fingerprint,ALFP)提取卡样本(2至28年),使用优化的工作流程可提高回收的STR等位基因数量,与使用传统工作流程处理的样本相比,可提供更具鉴别价值的STR图谱。



Molecular identification of the potentially forensically relevant cluster flies Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) and Pollenia vagabunda (Meigen) (Diptera: Polleniidae) — non-recorded species in Algeria

法医学相关群蝇粗野粉蝇Pollenia rudis和游荡粉蝇Pollenia vagabunda的分子学鉴定——阿尔及利亚未记录蝇种

Meriem Taleb, Ghania Tail & Halide Nihal Açıkgöz


Cluster flies are represented by the genus Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 of the family Polleniidae Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889. Their larvae are known to be internal parasites or predators of earthworms. Herein, we report for the first time the occurrence of the cluster flies Pollenia rudis Fabricius, 1794 and Pollenia vagabunda (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Polleniidae) on carcasses in Algeria and identify them through DNA barcoding. A region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) was amplified and sequenced. Genetic distances were determined. A phylogenetic tree was constructed with the maximum parsimony method using 10 000 bootstrap replicates. A total number of 157 adults of P. rudis were collected together with 325 adults of Pollenia vagabunda. The occurrence of Pollenia on animal carcasses does not seem to be correlated with a particular stage of decomposition. All the sequences were correctly identified using the BLASTn tool from the GenBank database and the BOLD identification engine. Intra- and interspecific sequence divergence values were less than 1% and greater than 3%, respectively. COI barcodes obtained from this study were robust enough to identify and distinguish unambiguously between P. rudis and P. vagabunda. In the tree-based analysis, the cluster flies were all assigned to their respective species separately from each other confirming the morphological identification. These results provide DNA barcodes that contribute to the growth of reference databases and allow fast and accurate identification.


Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Polleniidae Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889)是粉蝇的代表,其幼虫被认为是蚯蚓的内寄生虫或捕食者。本文首次报道了在位于阿尔及利亚的尸体上发现的粗野粉蝇(Pollenia rudis Fabricius, 1794)和游荡粉蝇(Pollenia vagabunda (Meigen, 1826)),并通过DNA鉴定确认。实验通过对线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶I基因(COI)的一个区域进行扩增和测序,确定了遗传距离。使用10 000次引导重复,用最大解析法构建系统发育树。共收集了157个P. rudis成虫和325个Pollenia vagabunda成虫。研究发现动物尸体上粉蝇的出现似乎与所处的腐烂阶段无关。所有序列均通过GenBank数据库中的BLASTn工具和BOLD识别引擎得以正确识别。种内和种间序列差异值分别小于1%、大于3%。本研究获得的COI条码可以明确鉴别P. rudisP. vagabunda。通过树形分析,群蝇被分配至各自种属,以供形态学上的鉴别。研究结果提供了DNA编码,对参考数据库进行了补充,并有助于实现快速和准确的识别。

Determination of barbiturates in hair samples by using a validated UHPLC-HRMS method: application in investigation of drug-facilitated sexual assault


Di Wen, Yan Shi, Xiaoguang Zhang, Bing Xie, Wenqiao Liu, Feng Yu, Ping Xiang, Bin Cong and Chunling Ma


In recent years, benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-like drugs are the most common substances associated with drug-facilitated sexual assaults (DFSA); however, barbiturates are also detected occasionally. Segmental hair analysis provides useful information on the historic pattern of drug use, enabling differentiation between single exposure in DFSA cases and chronic use. However, sensitive and specific methods for barbiturate analysis in hair samples are needed. Herein, we present an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) method for qualitative and quantitative determination of seven barbiturates in hair samples. Firstly, a hair strand was decontaminated and then freeze-milled in liquid nitrogen. Next, 50 mg of powdered hair was extracted with methanol in an ultrasonic bath for 10 min in the presence of 10 ng phenobarbital-d5. The supernatant was dried under nitrogen gas, and the pellet was dissolved in 100 mL mobile phase. Afterwards, 10 mL of the suspension was injected into the UHPLC-HRMS system. The present method involved two UHPLC conditions for determination of barbiturates (I) and identification of the structural isomers amobarbital and pentobarbital (II). This method showed satisfactory linearity in a range of 0.02–20.00 ng/mg for UHPLC conditions I and II, both with a high determination coefficient (0.9991–0.9999). The selectivity, intra- and interday precision, accuracy and matrix effect of the method were acceptable. Next, the validated method was applied to investigate an authentic DFSA case. Hair samples (black, approximate 25 cm long) were collected 3 months after the assault, and the proximal segments (0–5 cm from the root; each segment was 1 cm long) were analyzed. Amobarbital was detected at a concentration of < LOQ (limit of quantification) and 0.09 ng/mg in the second and third 1 cm hair segment but not in the other segments. Thus, our method was successful in determining barbiturate concentration in human hair after a single-dose exposure, showing its potential for application in the investigation of DFSA cases.


近年来,药物诱导性侵(drug-facilitated sexual assaults,DFSA)案件所涉及的最常见物质是苯二氮卓和苯二氮卓类药物,但偶尔也会检测到巴比妥类药物。毛发分段分析能够提供药物使用史,有助于对DFSA案件中的单次接触和长期使用进行鉴别。然而,检测毛发样本中的巴比妥酸盐需要采用具备灵敏和特异性的分析方法。本研究应用超高效液相色谱联用高分辨质谱(ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry,UHPLC-HRMS)的方法,用于定性和定量测定毛发样品中的七种巴比妥类药物。首先将毛发洗净,置于液氮中冷冻研磨;随后在含有10 ng苯巴比妥-d5条件下,经10 min超声波浴用甲醇提取50 mg毛发粉末;在氮气下干燥上清液,并将颗粒溶解于100 mL的流动相中;将10 mL悬浮液注入UHPLC-HRMS系统中。本方法采用UHPLC测定巴比妥酸盐(I)及其结构异构体(II),两者在0.02-20.00 ng/mg的范围内线性良好,测定系数(0.9991-0.9999)较高。该方法的选择性、日内和日间精密度、准确度和基质效应均可接受。本研究还将该方法应用于实际DFSA案例中。在案件发生3个月后收集了毛发样本(黑色,长度约25 cm),并对近端部分(距发根0-5 cm;每段长1 cm)进行分析。在第二和第三段1 cm长的毛发中检测到戊巴比妥的浓度小于LOQ(定量限)和0.09 ng/mg,但在其他分段中没有检测到。因此,该方法成功测定了出单次接触后人类毛发中的巴比妥酸盐浓度,显示了其在DFSA案件调查中的应用潜力。

Technical note

Digital reconstruction of fragmented tooth remains in forensic context


Abraham Johnson, Gargi Jani, Joe Adserias Garriga and Astha Pandey


Forensic odontology majorly focuses on the identification of victims through the analyses of oral and para–oral structures. Exposure to high temperatures and trauma can occur in mass disasters and may lead to the fracturing and fragmentation of teeth. These fragments may become very fragile and easily damaged while handling. Conventional methodologies such as the use of transparent nail polish, hair spray, cyanoacrylate or adhesives have been used to stabilize the fragmented pieces. This study introduces a new and innovative digital technique that utilizes three-dimensional surface scanning (3DSS) and rapid prototyping techniques to reconstruct fractured portions of the teeth. The results of qualitative congruency analysis suggest that over all variance of morphological error (0.0526±0.05) mm. These results imply that the reconstructed 3D model can be used for various morphometric analyses.


法医牙科学主要通过分析口腔和口腔毗邻结构进行个体识别。大规模灾难所致的高温和创伤可能会使牙齿断裂和碎裂。这些碎片可能变得非常脆弱,在处理时容易被损坏。通常使用透明指甲油、发胶、氰基丙烯酸酯或粘合剂固定碎片。本研究介绍了一种新的数字技术,即利用三维表面扫描(three-dimensional surface scannin,3DSS)和快速原型技术来重建牙齿的断裂部分。定性一致性分析结果显示形态误差的方差为(0.0526±0.05)mm。结果表明重建的三维模型可用于各种形态学测量分析。

Letter to the editor

Integration of dentistry and forensic odontology for a structured identification system and border control


Emilio Nuzzolese


Forensic Sciences Research

Sponsor: Academy of Forensic Science

Website: www.tandfonline.com/tfsr

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FSR Volume 6 Number 4 特刊丨司法鉴定科学研究与实践:构建诚信文化



